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Available in 

 4x6" stick flag, 1.95 each or 19.95 per dozen

12 x 18" stick flag 9.95

12 x 18" 210 denier nylon options of open sleeve, grommets, rope and toggle 24.95

36x60" (3x5') (90x150cm) economy polyester, grommets 29.95

36 x72", (3x6') (90x180cm) 210denier nylon options of open sleeve, grommets, rope and toggle 109.95


Shop African Nova Scotian stick flags here.


African Nova Scotian Flag

The Colours:

Red    -blood, sacrifice

Gold   -cultural richness 

Green -fertility, growth

Black  -the people


The Symbol: Sankofa (Akan language of Ghana) - “reach back and get it” 

san - to return

ko   - to  go

fa    - to fetch, to seek and take


Sankofa is one of many ancient Adinkra symbols conceived in West Africa. It is represented by a bird with its head turned backwards taking an egg off its back or a stylized heart. Sankofa is often associated with the proverb, “Se wo were fi na wosankofa yenkyi,” which translate as: “It is not wrong to go back for that which you have forgotten.


This stylized Sankofa symbol created by African Nova Scotian artist Wendie L. Wilson incorporates a wave in the bottom centre which has a dual meaning; it represents the ocean and movement and also honours our ancestors journey through the middle passage. On the left is half of a stylized heart (a version of the Sankofa symbol) with a yin and yang like symbol embedded to represent heartbreak balanced with forgiveness. The image is encompassed with an incomplete circle representing those things absent, but yet to come.


25% of the African Nova Scotia flag sales are donated to the Africentric Learning Institute. 


African Nova Scotia Flags

  • If you're looking for a flag to fly outside or bare any weather conditions, we recommend going with the 210D nylon. For decoration or indoor use the 3x5 economy polyester will do! 

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